Saturday 5 April 2014

SK Padang Keria, Sanglang

Every now and then, I do try finding some times to write or scribble something not over here, at the very least. Now that I have just started my very first school practicum, I just get busier with tons of works and commitment. A busy bee, indeed. Ain't nobody got time to fool around.

First practicum

A week has passed. I like doing whatever I do now though sometimes it gives me a headache and a mess. Yet, it doesn't turn my exuberance to vapour. I am teaching year 4 English despite of my inadequacy in this so-called global language, which makes me think they deserve someone better than me in this business. 

Thus far, they are behaving so well, even the most mischievous in the class is in control. Kids, just bear with me, my attitude, my madness, and my weaknesses for another 3 weeks to go. And on my part, I will try my very best with my own writ and grit to make every lesson interesting and engaging as I need that extra edge for my marks too. Tehee...

Till then, have a good day!   

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