Tuesday 8 May 2012

Examination Turmoil

Exam is coming very soon and I'm still doing nothing except for hitting the keyboard to come out with this post.

I know the fact that exam is in a week period and I only have a week to revise all the subjects I will sit. 

I’m in the lurch of revising all the four subjects. 

Many topics to be covered and I have no idea where to start.

I hate this feeling when you get to think that you have a future to work on and you shoulder a huge responsibility of yourself. 

I feel guilty when thinking of the effort that has been put in vain. 

When I think of my parents, I think of high-end hope that has been put on me.

And I am dying to strive and thrive the best I can do. 

For some reasons, I am feeling very regretful for not studying early and I admit the clincher that I procrastinate a lot. 

If I double my effort this week, I know I can make it. 

What matters most now is that I must make studying a regular basis.

I have to forsake my sleep or anything derogatory for that matter.

There must be something good waiting for those who work hard and guess what, I am looking very most forward for that accolade. 

InshAllah, our hard work will be paid off as long as we set the right intention in our study. 

Let’s not stop praying to Him so that He will bellow upon us a good result. 

Let’s step on the gas now!

Philosophy and Education in Malaysia
Child Development
Introduction to Linguistics
Literature in English


Kayun said...

semoga Allah mempermudahkan urusan kita semua. hidup ipg! heheee

Arsyad Muhamad said...

Amin. Never give up and try our very best.