Monday 16 August 2010

it was not cool to be the centre of family's attraction, and i was drank in the attention. i got teased a lot by the rest of family, but i do loved their teasing as it will make our bong got stronger and stronger. though, as the youngest member of the family, i got many hugs and kisses from my loving parents,(mom,dad i love u so much, thank you very much for taking me all this while, and you're the best parents ever~!!).
okay, forget that one! hey, i am now a future teacher, or to be more exact, taking tesl as my future~!! haha..never thought of it..:)
so here we are, i am now hundreds or maybe thousands miles(as i reckon the most in math,haha) from family, i need, must and indeed have to be strong. this post, i would love to tell you people, who i am really is. (sounds as if i were the most wanted person by cia or perhaps fbi..nauzubillah). so, let's make easy, i am arsyad, were born on 20th of march, year was kept unveiled as if i don't want you people say, " hey, i thought you were form 3 students~!". seriously be told, i really 'like' to be called so. hahaha..though, guess what?? i am not kuala terengganuan, and instead i am coming all the way from besut, the land of joyous and glory.(really missed this land)
let us see, here begin my story, as a pisces-star person, i am so thankful to god for being blessed with concerned, loving parents and completed with benevolent, devoted brothers and sister. over the years, we share so much, especially zest of life,. their desires to share their knowledge with me, to challenge me and to teach me never ceased. while, they are seemingly having a crystal ball on their hands and will often making sure that i were cheered up when i am in gloom.
truth be told, we are never get apart over the past seventeen years. from the moment i were born, they have been the bigger one, the stronger one, the one most likely to take brunt out of a conflict anf shield from pain.
oraitt..spaking about tesl,in tesl or its sur name teaching english as a second language, i found my second soul, the soul that full of energy that is believed could take me to where my dream stars go. so, conclusion, hehehe..tesl: my aim, target, goal, passion, soul, energy and maybe my blood too. hahaha
sure enough, being accepted into IPG in the TESL course i like a dream comes trueas if a girl was given a box full of diamonds from girl..(it's eerily wierd if girls don't really like those thing as they are supposed and naturally materialistic, hehe) journey to the moon like the astronaut has just BEGUN~!!

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