Saturday 23 April 2011

when I say it...I really mean it.

So far, I think everything goes very well...not to the well. J

Though sometimes, things we plan out go beyond our expectation, we take it as motivations to move on in life.

Life isn’t as easy as abc though.

And the entire test that we undergone and endure is the parcel that makes life meaningful, interesting and definitely, make us matured, am I?

Yes, I am. No doubt that we may be not prepared for things that happen in our life.

What we can do is that to recall of what we have undergone before, make them as a reference and boundaries to embark on a new step.

Never afraid to step forward, cause those who are always moving ahead will never fail.

Plus, though at times we will be at the losing end, never be frightened of; never stop praying; never give up; never sigh and NEVER EVER STOP TRYING. PEOPLE WHO KEEP TRYING VERY HARD WILL NEVER FAIL.

Lastly...I am inclusion to this point which is NEVER GET TIRED EASILY IN REACHING FOR THE STAR.

There is no TIRED word in my dictionary of life.

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